Sabadell bus

Lowest prices found for Sabadell bus tickets

Want to go to Sabadell? Take the bus for your next trip and benefit from lower prices. Often you pay less than traveling by plane or train. Compare deals before you book and find your bus to Sabadell in a few clicks on gopili! You can even sort deals by price, duration, and Sabadell bus schedule times!

Buses to Sabadell from USA

Journey Price Departure on At Company Searched
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Buses to Sabadell from Spain

Journey Price Departure on At Company Searched
$12.00 6/26/25 12:05 PM Multiple companies

Lowest prices found for a trip by bus in the next 30 days

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Lowest prices to come for travel by bus

Are you looking for the lowest price on bus travel? Whether visiting family, going to see friends, or planning a work-related trip, you are in the right place! In 1 click, gopili compares deals from all bus operators and helps you to book your ticket at the best price. See the chart below for the day your ticket will cost you the least.

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Interesting facts about buses that you may not know

  • 30, the average number of passengers that can be transported by a bus in Europe, which means that a bus can replace a minimum of 30 cars on the road.
  • In France, there exists a “Disco Bus” to party late into the night! After first appearing in Paris in 2008, coaches can now be privatized for partying onboard, turning into real dance floors.
  • Take the bus and take care of the planet. Average fuel consumption per passenger is less than making the same trip in a personal vehicle. A bus consumes 9 times less than a car, 7 times less than a plane, and 3 times less than ridesharing!
  • Which type of transportation is safer, bus or car? Risk of accidents is much smaller when traveling by bus rather than a car. Buses are the most secure means of ground transportation!
  • The bus has also inspired singers, notably Superbus who got their stage name from it!